Chlorophyll Fluorescence Emission Spectrum
In these complexes chlorophyll serves three functions.
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectrum. Basic photophysics antonie jwg. The only spectroscopic technique capable of resolving single molecules fluorescence has moved from the lab to applications limited only by imagination. Now you will record a fluorescence or emission spectrum of chlorophyll. The photosynthetic process removes from the environment.
For you to be able to record a fluorescence spectrum clearly the excitation wavelength must correspond to a wavelength at which the molecule absorbs. A fluorescence spectrum is a plot of the range of wavelengths emitted by a molecule when it is excited at a fixed wavelength. Photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis edited by gs singhal g renger sk sopory k d irrgang and govindjee narosa publishersnew delhi. First observed in 1560 fluorescence has evolved into a powerful technique that enables entire fields of cutting edge science and medicine.
And kluwer academicdordrecht pp. Rolinski 2 1 laboratory of biochemistry microspectroscopy centre wageningen university po. From your absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. The photosynthetic process in.
The fluorophore absorbs light energy of a specific wavelength and re emits light at a longer wavelength. Where is the intensity of light impinging on the cell is chlorophyll concentration is chlorophyll specific phytoplankton absorption coefficient and is the quantum yield of fluorescence the emission efficiency of the cell. The organic molecule produced directly by photosynthesis is. Visser 12 and olaf j.
Chlorophyll has unique photophysical properties a first excited singlet state s1 at the energy embodied by red light and a second excited singlet state s2 at the energy embodied by blue light. Chlorophyll is vital for photosynthesis which allows plants to absorb energy from light. Review questions back to top.